Monday, November 09, 2020

Getting Back To Normal

On my Monday morning walk I saw a house's cement foundation painted like a picket fence, which delighted me. I had been gradually painting my plain foundation white to dress it up a little, but this took it to a new level.

It's unfortunate that the photo looks a little out of focus; it seems the camera focussed on the flowers. Oh well!

I am gradually getting back to normal with the news of the election sinking in and the stress of the campaign fading. There is still of lot of bad stuff to come but at least we may some day hear the last of Trump - even though he is fighting to hold on to power and much of the GOP is helping.

Today I asked Jon the Hobbit and Sandy (was Swetnick) Martin if they and the MSU Hobbits would be interested in game night Friday; they said sure so I passed on the information. I hope it will be a fun event, mixing that group with the Time Bank people.

Twitter Suspended Me For This
Twitter suspended my account for 12 hours because someone reported a tweet; if I appealed the suspension they would look into it some time or other. I guess the smart play is not to appeal but I'm curious how this goes. Obviously they aren't favoring critics of Trump because the image someone found objectionable is this:

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