Friday, September 05, 2014

Good-Bye False Friends. Thank You True Friends. Hello New Friends!

I am in the process of shedding friends who, as it turns out, were false.
The criterion is simple: if you cannot offer a word of solace in this, my greatest crisis, then you are not my friend and never were.
I am not asking anyone to take sides. That would be both unfair and unreasonable.
But in my years I have had many friends who have divorced. The decent thing to do in every case is been to tell both persons that I am still the friend of each.

At the WSBA, there are several with whom I broke bread on a regular basis from whom I have heard silence no matter how I reach out to them. In contrast, there have been those who, within the bounds of propriety, have hinted at support and the wish to continue friends. It's awkward for them I know, and I would not repay their decency with the embarrassment of naming them, but you know who you are, and I thank you. Others have frankly been merely professional relationship and that's cool; we have a decent working relationship and this has nothing to do with it; it is mildly comforting to know that this professional friends does not skip a beat.

But as I inventory the false friends for a final good-bye, I realize that most of them have great pains in their lives. Is it coincidence that what I know of their karma is already sad? Perhaps the pains in their life interfere with acknowledging those in mine; I am tempted to reject that as pop psychology piffle, but actually, it's a pattern. Perhaps I can forgive them because ... and I just realized this as I write ... each of them is worse off than me.

Whoa. That was strange!

This same pattern obtains among the my Ex's family. Each has a greater misery than the next. This is neither the time nor place to enumerate their issues (I'm sure they can do that on their own) but the pattern is there for all to see - except that I have been blind.

The falsest friend of all was the one I had the poor judgment to marry: Kris Marie Hickman Larsen McCord. What a surprise it was to learn in December that, according to her, she had never loved me; it was just something to do! All the charity and bar activities and the home we were to grow old in together were a source of grand amusement to her; she actually wanted me to earn more money and drink more alcohol, so I could be a proper husband she could display like her Coach purses.
I have always been a trifle literal; I didn't understand that "I love you and you should pursue your dreams and bugger the money" meant "Knock it off, go work for wages as I do, because money is all there is".
I know her pains better than anyone other than herself. It grieves me to let go of my anger, for it has been a steady friend, but by golly, I understand her pain.

Something very bad happened to her in her youth; my guess is that it was associated with at least one of the drunken scum that her mother slept with while toting around her two children. It was a point of pride with Kris that she could move an apartment quickly, because she'd learned in her youth that you just have to run off when the rent comes due and your man has disappeared with the money.

In her life, she has had three lovers: her first, who she never discusses or even names, but who she disliked; her first husband, for whom she has great contempt; and me.

Well, that's a pattern. I think I understand her way, and it is sad.

This really complicates things.

Among my other false friends are two men with unhappy marriages - and that's an understatement - an engineer with health problems, and a paralegal with an unhappy past she never discusses. I had hoped that at least one of them would have the character to respond to my outreach with a modicum of understanding - not agreeing with me but at least recalling our friendship enough to extend sympathy - but I guess it really is true that suffering does not necessarily ennoble.

So off with them.


I still have a great many friends. First, I have a bit of a surfeit of family. Somehow I have managed to get along with everyone on every subject except politics, and we laugh about that last one, so I will never be short of crash space as needed. Next, I have solid friends from school - even that cute girl from fourth grade is around, thanks to the magic of Facebook, although we have somehow begun approach sixty.
Yes, friends of the seminary; you have been beaten by a little girl ;-)
College, SCA and law school friends abound. I have only to reach out to them and they respond. Perhaps I should do so more.

My neighbors could not be better. It's like something from a 60s sitcom: a street of zany characters, each one with an idiosyncratic yet kind word. I try not to lean on them too much, but they are just too much fun not to enjoy, a little each day, like a full rack of syrups at a coffee bar.
I don't know which character I am in the comedy; I suspect it is the straight man ;-)

And now I can say hello to new friends. I'm not sure who they will be, but friends always come along. Just last Friday I met a few while bar-hopping. I guess when I drop something out of my pack, it only leaves room for something else to go in.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Three things not to trust

Three things not to trust:
Unsworn claims, drunken exes,
and post-dated chicks.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A Swift Tiny Violin Song

Miniature Violin Shop
at Mini Time Machine
An artist made this violin
With a little one within,
And each a smaller one inside'm
And so proceed, ad infinitem.

--- Randall Winn

 In this comment, I follow Jonathan Swift:
So, naturalists observe, a flea
Has smaller fleas that on him prey;
And these have smaller still to bite 'em;
And so proceed ad infinitum. 
--- Jonathan Swift: Poetry, a Rhapsody.

I was alerted to this item by the article "A Mini Time Machine Museum Showcases Tiny Violins. Really Tiny Violins" By Greg Cahill June 13, 2013

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

An Odd Tuesday

On the whole,  Tuesday came in three parts.
I met with Cyril and Diane about the Manning Medical Mall project.  Keeping relentlessly positive on this is the way forward.
I packed a lot of books from the Labor Day sales. It's not a high-end activity, but it's steady.
I negotiated on the dispute over mom's worldly goods, between various people unhappy over something and unwilling to talk things over on their own. In the process I acquired an enhanced respect for my brother in law who is in an awkward position, and feels pretty much as I do on some of these things.
Bonus oddness: Kris came back from Big Al's distraught or annoyed that one of the guys keeps bugging her. She's not interested in him and has even emailed him,  twice,  but she says he keeps getting her hopefully and offering to give her a ride home.  I made comforting noses, and tried to divert with humor - she could try making out with a girl there to show him she's really not interested.  Kris was not going to lose her distress, and said he'd probably think that was hot.
Which is probably true.
I made a few equally absurd suggestions, then gave up and just commiserated. It was a very odd conversation,  and I'm sure I don't know what's going on.

Ethics; Bankruptcy; and more from 4freeCLE: Free Continuing Legal Education! August 31, 2014

4freeCLE: Free Continuing Legal Education!
August 31, 2014

 Rewinn's Guide to Free CLE for Your State 

How Prominent Is Your Law Office
In Google Maps?

When prospective clients search for a lawyer with your specialty in a particular city or part of a city, Google shows a pack of local map results. Do you want your office to be in those local map results?

Many Webcasts Work On Tablets &  Smartphones!

CLE State-by-State
Each of these free programs can earn you credit in the state in which it is listed. If you're visiting from another state, see the credit-granting authority in your state.



ArkansasArkansa free CLE

Free CLE Arizona
Arizona does not accredit MCLE; its CLE FAQ says you bear responsibility for evaluating these programs.
CaliforniaFree CLE California 

Free CLE - ColoradoColorado

Connecticut has no mandatory CLE requirement. However, you be interested in any program in this newsletter. Also, please see:


District Of Columbia

FloridaFree CLE Florida




IllinoisFree CLE Illinois







Michigan, Maryland + Massachusetts
Michigan, Maryland & Massachusetts have no mandatory CLE requirement. Attorneys there may be interested in any program listed in this publication.
See Also:
September 16: Salem, MA - 22nd Annual Estate & Charitable Gift Planning Institute. By The Salvation Army.




The State Bar of Montana states that Montana honors the approval given by other CLE jurisdictions. These webcasts may qualify.


New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

Free CLE - New York
New York

North Carolina

North Dakota




October 8 - 10: Harrisberg, PA -

Rhode Island 

South Carolina

South Dakota 
South Dakota has no mandatory CLE requirement. However the Webcasts above may be of interest, and also this:

TexasFree CLE - Texas




Virgin Islands


SPECIAL NOTE: Washington Leadership Institute (WLI) applications are due soon!
WLI is a huge opportunity for a diverse pool of attorneys with 3-10 years experience. Applications must be received by September 19.

West Virginia



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