Saturday, March 20, 2021

More Raised Bed, Not More Car


Asking facebook friends for gardening suggestions really got conversation going. I used this photo from before I started building the bed, and got so many ideas !

I didn't get the car back; at first it was just the bushings but the thing isn't working right on some settings. Maybe Monday.

That's not a big problem except I'll miss walking Monday and need to find a substitute food person. Meanwhile I'm learning to structure my time as if I were retired.

I did a lot of monthly updating on today. I don't need the pennies per day it generates, but based on emails that I get periodically, it seems to be useful to people so I'm keeping it up

Friday, March 19, 2021

Car Failure and Fence Opportunity

Friday morning the windshield wipers would not go.
The motor turned, the wipers did not.
They were not stuck to anything - they moved freely when I tried them - but nothing I could do would get the blades to go.

I speculate that we had a slight freeze a few days back, and perhaps without thinking I tried to use the wipers before I scraped the frost; maybe that was the last straw for the 20-year-old bushings. But who knows?

I foolishly thought that there was only a light sprinkle and I would be ok, but it soon turned out that driving in even a light sprinkle is dangerous without wipers, because streetlights and oncoming traffic is blinding when droplets scatter their light. I went back without shame - and probably not early enough - texted the ladies I could not come, and dropped the car off at Meinecke's when it opened.

I posted in FB that I could not do the food run and fortunately someone filled in for me.

Once again I did the calculation: is it worth keeping this car running? Should I rely on taxis or get something new? But so far it feels worthwhile to put in one or two repairs a year. Who knows?

I placed the first few stones in the new raised bed. Lacking transportation, I did not buy a backing board as planned, but I left space for it, using a piece of treated lumber from the wood pile. These concrete chunks a quite non-uniform so it'll take a while to place them, but the big problem today was that my knees didn't really like carrying something heavy. I suppose this is related to the issue with them that I discovered doing squats - I used to be able to get away with sloppy form but now my knees just refuse. Time to listen I suppose.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

What I Saw On My Walk


I am glad to see a stair being built on this path which is slippery when damp

New Little Free Library with advanced roof and fun legs

Wonderful greenhouse of repurposed windows and doors

So Seattle! You have to protect your dirt from the rain!

Happy Birthday Sweet Thing


Facebook tells me it's Kiara's birthday, so I posted this. Can she really be 28? I remember 28, it was not so long ago.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

St Patrick's Day Drinking Song


One of two toasts I memorized from a 1950s or 1960s paperback which I wish I still had.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Mount Urbanite and Houses


As I steadily clear out the yard and house of the detritus of years, I set these unused birdhouses on the pile of urbanite from my driveway (destined to become a raised bed in the back, but slowly).

Soon I will drop these off at a friend's, but for a moment they are an image of mountain huts.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Flowers Are Coming


I have to work to keep the days flowing one into the other. The morning walk creates a little bit of structure,

I think this was Monday and we discussed the upcoming WPTL CLE that I am hosting, using Zoom instead of On24 because the speaker greatly prefers it. I'm taking the lead on this but Anne is doing the negotiating with the Bar.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Happy Pi Day!

 This art is not original with me - I just added the words at the bottom. Still funny though.