Many people have said most of what has to be said about the attack on our Capitol that Trump and his gang incited yesterday. It was the first time an armed force compelled Congress to suspend its constitutional duties since the War of 1812.
It was the first time that a force carrying, among others, the Confederate battle flag forced its way into our Capitol. It was the first time that insurgents tore the American flag off the outer wall and hung a rival flag - a Trump flag - which by that action became an enemy flag.
Reportedly, Trump is the first President to refuse to send troops in defense of Congress when it was under attack (reportedly it was Pence who finally authorized the DC National Guard to go into action, and that after VA and MD started sending forces.)
We can all have political disagreements but when it turns to rebellion, a line has been crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Those who continue to support Trump after this are enemies of the United States so long as you continue. Protest all you want that you are "patriots", but you act like patriots only when you get to run things; otherwise you are just whiney baby bully wannabees, sad because you lost an election, credulous fools because you think you know the evidence better than 60 judges, and followers of the worst president that has ever disgraced the Oval Office.
And for what?
Thanks to your Maximum Leader, we will soon have 400,000 dead of a pandemic that could have been controlled if your master had only told us the truth in January. Our allies around the world have been alienated by his betrayal of NATO, the Kurds, and just about everyone except the sort of dictators that should disgust a freedom-loving people. The budget is more out of balance than ever, your jobs have not come back, and future generations will curse your name for not dealing with global climate change in time.
This is what you sacrificed your honor and your good name for?
There is no need to be cute about it. Trump is the orange-painted face of a fascist movement that won't go away when he leaves office in a few days, so perhaps you'll find someone else to worship. There is always someone ambitious for the weak-minded to follow. Mostly you're just afraid of losing the instant status you get for having had white parents - an achievement for which you had no personal responsibility - or for those few POC Trump fans, for letting your love of bullying outweigh your personal interests.
And so now we come to your role model, your ideal: the picture of one of you stealing public property in our nation's Capitol, a crime for which he proudly mugs for the camera, confident that he will never suffer because of his privilege.
This attitude drove the Confederacy to its mad rebellion so many years ago, and it will serve you no better.
Grow the fck up!
TBH The Misspelling Is Not Deliberate, I Just Don't Follow Daniel Webster |