Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday - Barre to Books

Barre Basics Saturday morning was strenous and relaxing, as usual. Afterwards I discussed career options with the new instructor, Adela, who is planning ahead - a remarkable concept! - and had been told - accurately - that law school was an expensive option for people in her time of life (so many people look younger than me now that I have no idea whether they are in their 20s or 50s).
I offered the Law Clerk Program and also Mediation - for which law school is not required - and she expressed interest. Being broadly interested appears to be her style, so I'll look up the information I have to pass on next week.
After a round of chores I rewarded myself by stopping by Pegasus Book Exchange. It's a real book store, with that real book store smell, people who love to talk about books, and life. I ended up getting Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don't Work which seems to codify some ideas I've been having about communication.

Then it's home for a little more tinkering in the yard - it's taking time to work through the branches from the tree trim - and then going through more books in the evening.
December shall be a busy month, so I'm determined to relax this weekend. My blood pressure seems to be responding!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Free Black Friday

Today is the legendary day of shopping after Thanksgiving, and to celebrate I basically stayed home and puttered about the house. This was very pleasant. An hour outside cutting the tree trimmings into useful sizes, and hour indoor checking my email or doing a bit of cleaning. It's prosaic but my bloo pressure this morning gave the lowest reading in months, so that's good.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanks Giving For All the Fish

Today was a fine Thanksgiving, although unlike any I have had before. First I attended the 8:30 Thanksgiving special Zumba class at the Fauntleroy Y. It was an hour and a have of vigorous and joyful exercise, marred only in that at the very end, as we all disbursed, one of the men had a dizzy spell and we had to call the EMTs. He was a very fit person for his age, so I suppose this is just a note to stay aware and all that. Once home, I talked over the day's arrangements with Kiara and Nessa. A couple from West Seattle Buy Nothing showed up and took a load of firewood from last week's tree trimming - leaving a large pile to work on.
Then the three of us went to get some last-minute groceries. Ginny had decided to nap inside a handbasket; she looked too large to fit, but half of her apparent volume is fluffiness so I guess she was actually comfortable. Dan stopped by and we talked. In the early evening was Thanksgiving dinner, consisting of delightfully prepared salmon, spinach with cheese, and a glass of cider. This was probably closer to the first Thanksgiving (whether in Massachusetts or Florida) than turkey an ambrosia.