Saturday, August 17, 2019

William L Booker Burial Flag Presentation

Today I went to the monthly DAV 23 meeting where Cyril had arranged for a burial flag for Mr. William L. Booker to be presented to his widow Dolores. We had helped them during his final illness about 5 years ago.
Unfortunately Seattle traffic was really bad due to construction, so she was late getting there. It was presented to Cyril and I instead. Here is a photo afterwards of Cyril chatting with the guys.
We all went downstairs for lunch and the Bookers arrived. They presented it to her directly and it was great!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Money Seed Pods

These seed pods in my yard are not an ordinary kind of beauty; they're part of the life cycle that has other priorities. Still kinda cool!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Miniature Yellow Roses on my Patio

These miniature roses are probably bigger on your cell phone than they are on my patio!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sleeping bees Under the leaves.... least I think they're sleeping. It's early in the day and still cool. There was a 3rd bee that crawled away.