Thursday, October 29, 2020

Zumbaween, The Dancing News Anchor, and Haiku

 Now that I've done all the mail-in GOTV possible, I feel I should move on to phonebanking, but it's hard. I think I still have a visceral aversion to verbal rejection.

I've been donating money instead. I hope that helps.

I spent much of the day updating 4freeCLE and getting the calendar out to LoBono. They seem to appreciate it.

I had pleasant success with Zumbaween. My original idea was to paint my face white, using paste paint similar to what I used last year to paint my face red, and spike it and a white t-shirt all over with red duct tape to mock the Coronavirus. I was going to test this at the SPEAKOUT Toastmasters meeting Tuesday but as I put it together, it just didn't work. The white face paint just didn't stand out on my face; perhaps I'm too pale already! The red duct tape was a pain to work with and I just didn't get it together. Instead, I wore my Viking knit cape and mail belly shirt, and called it good, which it was. 

Later, during Post Toasties, Judy was messing around with filters so I gave it a try, which was fun. Later, ZiCheng email me a screenshot she took of me with a red bandana, which amused me so much I developed a joke by adding a contrasting cool shades shot:

Wednesday we ran a mile on the track again. It is difficult because I have a strong emotional feeling that I should just shop, but since I'm running with friends I can just keep going and I feel great when we stop. We talk about all sorts of stuff, especially since Julie is taking life coaching classes. As I left to go home, I was inspired to a haiku:

at age 65 
i have so many chances 
to begin again

But back to Zumbaween. Somewhere - perhaps at Toastmasters - someone dropped the concept of zoom-specific costuming. One short google to zoom halloween costume and I had my idea. (The article emphasized using a background image to anchor the costume concept - which meant I had to use the computer on the standing desk since the sitting computer lacks the firepower to do backgrounds reliably, but that's fine for Zumba.) I located the right background image and made it mine by adding a chyron, resulting in:
The Dancing News Anchor

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