Thursday, January 06, 2022

Monday, January 03, 2022

When Your Sister Is Hogging All The Towels


I took this photo a couple of days ago but just got around to publishing it today, as I hadn't seen anything particularly photoworthy on my walk.
As Jackson Galaxy frequently comments, cats are creatures who use vertical space - they like to go up and down. I have learned to leave the towel cupboard doors open so they can use the space, usually for lurking but sometimes for play!

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Me And The Bee


Waiting in line outside a school to see if my spot as a walk-in at a pop-up booster site will get me in, I saw this delightful painting. It looks like the bee is tickling my ear.

Eventually they told me they would know in 45-60 minutes if I'd get a spot, and since they had my phone number they'd call me. I went home and made sure the phone was powered up; unfortunately I did not check the ringer volume - it was set to zero(!). I don't know how that happened; was this something I did during the moot court? Aroung 5:55 I happened to check my phone and I'd gotten a call at 4:44, possibly the site - oh well, I missed that chance; likely it went to the next person in line who needed it as much or more. I learned a valuable lesson and, since I can do nothing about it, enjoyed a brief moment of regret and moved on.

I'll have to add "check ring tone" to my occasional maintenance. This is done easily by calling from my Google Voice number.

Thinking back: I did not have the sensation that my phone was incorrectly set up because I did get occasional calls. However, this was always when I was looking at my phone doing something else, and notice the incoming call message. There's an interesting message about perception here!