Saturday, March 12, 2022

Contest Speech Bad Ideas

For a contest today I listen to a series of and since I was not judging, I had the opportunity to figure out what the theme or message is, which was a big part of why so many of the speeches were so bad.

Good technique can not rescue bad writing

1. "Did you ever have this experience?"

The opening question is a popular technique in stand-up comedy, but stand-up comedy is very different from giving inspirational speeches. 

The answer is "no" for half your audience, in  most cases. Some of us will be in denial, others just have not had the experience - just because YOU have had the experience does not make it universal.  Either way, you are excluding people.

If you're going to talk about your experience, then just talk about it. The universalization should follow out of the story. Establish connection with your emotional reaction, not the non-universal facts. 

2. "My Boss Was Such A Jerk That I Quit!"

Well, fine, we're hope that you have found happiness, but what general principle can we learn from this?

Many of us have had difficulties on either end of the boss/employee relationship, and I won't say I've never left a job, but it might be helpful to explain more about the before-and-after. Also, why the other guy was the jerk, and not you.

3. "I Do Not Like People Who Fear Change. "

Are you the boss from #2?  Because, according to your speech, you're acting like a jerk.
Try figuring out why people who fear change do so. Are their values and priorities different from yours? And your feelings? why should we care? We don't know you, you're a speaker on a podium (or on Zoom) who we don't know yet..

Friday, March 11, 2022

No Whining, Please


I know, everyone's upset that gas prices are going up. The guilty parties until now were the producers - somehow the complainers never complain about them - but now we have a special villain Mr. Putin, who wants to recapture Ukraine for the glory of his czardom.                                        

Not everybody appreciates my analysis, and that's ok. There are many people economically worse off than I, but I can afford a conscience. I also remember what it was like not to have the money.


Today I attended another BNI meeting, already committed to join so I can network about donations but also interested in learning what it is about. When I dress nicely I look like an older professional and can play the part.

I researched my potential appeal for the abatement of real estate tax, and concluded that I'm ok as is, no need to change. I see that 2021 was approved and I believe prior years I didn't make the income limit (low); the rejection letter I got did not affect 2021 which continues to be approved, so I need not do anything. Still, it was worth checking!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blossom Seen


Today while walking I saw a lot of things starting with the blossoms. It can still be cold but Spring is coming.

I was tired going up the Highpoint hill, however. The girls are much more fit than I am, which makes since because they exercise more. I need to find a way to up my game.

I am pleased of this self-portrait while we had coffee outside C+P. My hair is coming along nicely!

While doing something else, I saw a FB message from Richard Clem. He's doing a recorded CLE in support of a Ukrainian lawyer he knows from his ham radio hobby. What could I do? I had to add it to 4freeCLE ('s free and donations to the lawyer's family are encouraged, and they are waiting in Poland with no income ...) .  

War in Ukraine: A Ukrainian Lawyer's Perspective (On-Demand CLE)

I had planned to meet with a classmate from Stagetime University to discuss developing a repository for sharing useful tools for Toastmasters - such as my Vocal Variety PPT - but she didn't show at 6pm. Oh well, maybe next week.

I stopped by Charlets to enquire about feeing his cat since it'll be the 11th tomorrow. It turns out they meant April 11 (!) and it clearly says  so in the email. Oh well!

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Community Connector

 Wednesday I had a talk with Ron Hall from BNI who, after hearing my story, suggested the role I was creating for myself in retired was "Community Connector", a term his wife had learned from Molina Health care.

I like the concept: it helps me understand my interests!

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Freezer Gratitude

Today's walk was with Julie only, because Hannah had to get her walk in extra briskly, due to this being a rush week at work. They are in better physical condition than I am and I just accept that.

While stopped at a store while Julie ran in to get avocado oil or something, I looked at the flowers, which is very pleasant.

Today I cooked up a skillet meal, using some meat from the freezer, tomatoes, overage spinach and of course onions. With spuds on the side and greens from the yard, I made up four little freezer dinners that will serve me well over the next couple of weeks, as I typically get lunch and dinner from my freezer treasures: it's convenient and also serves as portion control.

Here's what the record of the day looks like

  • 3 Goals

    • Mailbox zero - made progress but not done

    • Kitchen zero (cleaning) - made progress

    • TM832 EC Meeting. Nicely done!

  • 3 Accomplishments

    • Crockpot applesauce

    • Cooked stuff, made 4 frozen dinners

    • Put away 2 boxes of gear

  • 3 Gratitudes

    • I am grateful for my freezer, which holds meals for me

    • I am grateful for my friends at Toastmasters

    • I am grateful for being able to text chat with my friends

Adult candy aisle


Tuesday as I walked in the morning, I say these racks of plants and wanted them all.

Fortunately I was not shopping, but in this season just before spring it was just like desiring the candy by the cash register. Well played, supermarket!