Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Packs


For Thanksgiving, I neatened up my freezer, as shown. The impetus was my search for cranberries - which I didn't find - for the six ready meals I made out of the Turkey breast, spuds and stuffing I made today. I'm happy with the gravy I made, too! Also added green beans. The turkey dinner are in the containers to the right.

I neatly labelled everything with trimming from postcard stamps generated on the machine at the post office. This is better than the blue painter's tape, since I can use a ballpoint that doesn't smear like the sharpie did on the tape.

The door has a whole row of lasagna. Each is a good meal size!

Notice that the turkey is the first meat I've purchased all year (not counting the incidental meat in the lasagna). I am a mostly plant-based eater, although I enjoy a couple of cans of tuna a week, and I recently rediscovered how very much I enjoy hard boiled eggs!  I dont really miss steak or pork chops, and the environmental benefits are good.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Moot Court Presiding Judge Day

 Today I served as Presiding Judge at a Moot Court session of the Emerald City Open at University of Washington School of Law.

It's a grand title but the major qualifications are to be a lawyer and to volunteer for the gig. I was happy to do it, because the student contestants need people to fill the roles. I am quite competent firmly and succinctly directing the counselor-contestants to be seated, begin, state their objection, respond, and to allow a reasonable amoung of debate (because debating objections is a major part of the competition) and then giving a quick ruling. I am very pleased that the Scoring Judges, who had actual trial experience, told me that my rulings sounded reasonable.

This was a thoroughly positive experience. These young students (undergraduates, not in law school) are thorough, quick and smart. We got to chat some afterwords and I was able to share some tips based on my speaking experience. I also learned who valuable it was to mention my WPTL work, since one of the Scoring Judges basically offered to talk about his practical human rights work. It pays to talk proudly about these things!