Saturday, May 25, 2024

Imp The Vulture


This is one of her favorite things to do. When she comes to me in the kitchen and makes the "follow me" stare, this is her usual destination.
She doesn't need me to hang around as she is fully committed to her work or play - I'm not sure which. After awhile, she wanders off so I need to check and close the window to conserve the heat or AC.

Friday, May 24, 2024

My Bleeding Hearts Are Sweet Not Stinky!


From a distance, I thought from the small magenta flowers and pale green leaves that Stinky Bob was growing around my pine, but when I got closer I saw - Bleeding Hearts!
 Bleeding Hearts was one of my mom's favorite plants. It is a native understory plant so I put some seed into the ground last year, and got this reward. It starts small, but I'll help by clearing out the non-native vinca so we'll see more next year!