Sunday, April 12, 2020

Super Cute Face Masks for Kids

Working through my "do this day" I got a reference to FB's COVID19 resource page so I went to look-see.
On the right side of that page were local requests for and offers of help. One person asked about getting a couple of masks for her children in case she had to take them somewhere in public, such as a doctor. She said she'd ordered them online but the order was cancelled. She was willing to pay and just needed a source.
Face Masks for Kids, by Alex
I pinged my network: my sister Ellen, my "Buy Nothing" pal Alex (who I knew was making masks because yesterday I'd responded to her request for more fabric with a torn sheet and a shockingly orange pillowcase). My sister expressed interest but by then my neighbor Alex had dropped off a couple of darn cute masks with doggy print. I packaged for mailing tomorrow (I figure the Westwood USPS isn't open today).

It is easy to get distracted while working through my mail!
Meanwhile, my Toastmasters friend Vikki offered sheets in response to Alex's call for mask materials; I connected them thru FB.
This week I took one of those test to figure out what sort of activist you are, and of course I got "networker". I most enjoy connecting people with resources and then letting them work it out. Obviously!
Catherine from the Time Bank offered seeds from her garden; I accepted and picked them up today. It looks like she's converted her front yard to a garden, which is my ambition too.
I planed Sunflower spouts and Chard sprouts (I'm not sure what size they need to be to transplant; we'll just have to see) mostly in the part of the back fenceline garden that I'd dug out yesterday. I'm happy to see that the pea sprouts seem to be perking up, but I'll have to remember to keep them well watered.
I had gone to bed at about my usual time (at the urging of Arthur) when I heard loud thumping. I didn't see anything in the house or out the windows so I went back to bed. Then, some very loud thumping. I put on my robe want was headed for the basement when I got a call from Heather: her largest cat was stuck in her bathroom and the door locked. This took just a short poke from a straightened coat hanger but you have to know how to do it just right. Kinda funny, if you think about it.

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