Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine Gym Routine

  • Warmup (YouTube: SarabethYoga)
  • Cardio (YouTube: MadFit)
  • Strength (YouTube: GymRa) 
  • Cooldown (Cats: PetThem)  
It works!
My Trillium Is Up!
Again I awoke to a worried dream; I was performing the Toastmasters contest and about to go overtime. Fortunately I remembered Sandy, the Chief Judge, telling us about this very thing happening to her, so like her I abruptly cut my speech short and, since I was the only contestant, qualified to go to the next level even though the quality suffered. I figure that this alarm was due to the corona virus crisis both worrying everyone and maybe throwing off my sleep schedule.
I worked on contest preparations, reviewing a Darren LaCroix Stage Time University lecture and revising my speech to include some of their ideas. I realized that I had been the hero of my own story, so I added John the Anthropologist as my guru. I had not really made it clear what I wanted people to take away from this or worked on their emotions, so I polished that. Mostly I was concerned about changes in movement, gesture and affection from working through Zoom. My speech really needs the up-down-sideways gesture, but I can't do that closeup and I didn't like the look of being far from the camera.
I had advertized my Miner's Lettuce bounty. At least half a dozen people came by to take some, mostly taking clods to replant. In retrospect, I wish I'd cleaned up the patio because the work table is covered in what looks like trash, but it's too late now I suppose.
I took Arthur in to get his eye drained. It's been only 3 weeks but they took more liquid than usual. I don't know whether he's becoming extra leaky - he's sneezing wetly a lot - or whether it was just stress from the dog.
When I walked into the vet, who did I see but Amy Higbee! She had brought in their cat for something. We talked about our critters and accommodating to the crisis. Eventually I brought up the miner's lettuce and she expressed interest in some. It seemed odd seeing her out of context, first at Meeples with her kids a few weeks ago, now at the vet and later on my patio collecting lettuce, but that's community I guess.
In the evening, while working on the speech, Dianne Chandler brought up teleworking on FB. I followed up which led to a discussion with Steve Holmes, who said there'd been an email sent out about the procedure. Naturally the email had gone to work so I didn't get it. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is but unless I hear otherwise, I'll finish the 2 weeks, then call Galen and, if necessary, agree to come in to take the class required to take the laptop home. I have the home office anyway, but I want to delay the trip as long as possible to (I hope) minimize the number of people I would contact. Also I'm not unhappy about the administrative leave.
Arthur yowls at bedtime, so I turned in after finishing up the written evaluation of Karen's performance of the Tuesday TM 832 meeting. I guess it's part of a Pathways project.
I have yet to figure out regular meals - as opposed to frequent snacking - or minimizing distractions - such as watching youtube or casual games. These are the classy drugs of the current era.
Rewatching The Dick Van Dyke show (which we all enjoyed as children) and I now understand why Laura Petrie left Rob Petrie for Lou Grant. Rob's charming and funny, but kind of a dick to her.

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