Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wednesday Walk and TM

Hannah And The Cozy Tree
Today's walk went by a tree with sweater: fun! There was also lots of other good art and an interesting design in coldframes.

I figure I might as well attend other clubs' Toastmasters meetings, learn things, and have fun. This  evening I attended another Kent Evening Toastmasters meeting. The main presentation was a speech by a radio pro about evaluation; we were encouraged to offer comments to the speaker via chat. I tried the sandwich approach, starting with his speaking, which was flawless, and then suggesting his joke about preferring the evaluation from the person who was more positive and also she was cuter would not work with some audiences. It's surprising how stuff like this slips by even well meaning old people like us.  At the end of the meeting, the asked for "Toasts": people praising something good. Mostly they toasted Toastmaster related things, but I though I wanted to recommend FEEST as ewe need drivers. However I was slow because I am shy to intrude. This is not a helpful attitude so I resolved to get my comment in there somehow. The Toast period got by me but the last literally 2 minutes of the meeting had nothing so I jumped in an made my p itch. One person asked for the spelling of FEEST, which suggested she was going to look it up and sign up yay
Mermaids In A Sea Of Strawberries
Sea Monster Amid The Waves Of Berries
This looks like an easy coldframe design

That Third Flag!

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