Sunday, May 03, 2020

Social Distance Dog Park

The cats won't let me sleep in past breakfast, although really Ginny is interested only in going outside and Imp just wants someone to play with. Arthur snoozes and Shadows wants to be petted. They seem to be content with dry food, except for Arthur who likes being fed something wet at midnight.

My walk first took me to the ducks to drop off some greens. They weren't by the fence when I tossed it over but I'll check with their owner, a "Buy Nothing" pal, a little later.
Then I went to the greenbelt and dog park. The urban forest trails were nice and I think it's funny that it took me so long to find them. I wish I'd gotten a pick of the Good Dog proudly carried a small log (2 or 3 inch diameter, and much longer than he was.)
There was an awkwardness when I exited the fenced part; the person before me was having trouble negotiating the gate, the leash of her unwilling dog, and everything else. I reacted as I would in The Before Time, saying I'll help with that and getting the gate. She expressed distress, and said she'd wait. I realized this was a social distancing thing and said I'd go out another way but she insisted. I am perfectly willing to implement social distancing but it is hard to break a habit.
I moved on a few surplus household items through "buy nothing", but no one wants the used rice cooker that Ron left me.The usual places for donations are closed due to COVID19, so  I will be stacking up a lot of stuff in the basement for when St. Vinny's reopens!

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