Tuesday, May 12, 2020


A Lovely Lunch for Many Snails
On the morning walk we saw some beautiful bushes thoroughly overrun with snails. I'd never seen so many snails all munching away. Maybe yesterday's rain made is moist enough for them.
I stopped by William's to pick up the music books to give away. When he showed me the landscaping books he wanted to sell, I realized there was a problem: these were mostly the kind of books that sat at thrift stores for a dollar and rarely sold. No need to go into that now; I posted the music on Buy Nothing and there was immediate interest.
I subbed for a FEEST grocery shop along with 2 other people. It's especially hard to remember people's names when they wear masks but of course I know Leigh; there was another shopper who was tall and blonde.
Toastmasters executive committee meeting.
Late in the day I got Maxi's mail and it did not look like I needed to take any sudden action.
Just before the Toastmaster's executive committee meeting, I put my mask and gloves in the dishwasher for the daily clean. During the meeting, I smelled something bad, real bad. The gloves had fallen to the bottom of the machine and the heating element which ran the dry cycle was melting them. Losing the gloves was not so bad since they'd far overperformed, but there was melted vinyl goo on the heating element and its strut. I had to use running alcohol to take it off. I hope I've learned my lesson haha!
We All Liked This Sign

Chive Flowers Are Nice!

Gowing Peas

New Pole Going Inn

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