Saturday, May 16, 2020

Having To Wear A Mask Is The Worst Violation Of My Rights That I Have Ever Experienced #Priviledge

There are some words that just don't sound like they are spelled, and "privilege" is one of them. My meme spelled it "priviledge" which is how it sounds to me, and it gather some dozens of likes before my friend Lily asked me on a side chat if that were my intent. What are friends for?
Today was the Toastmasters District Conference and International Speech Contest, all by Zoom, hooray!
I had been preparing for weeks, polishing my speech and practicing my delivery. The competition was amazing and I didn't place, but I enjoyed the whole process and .... wait til next year!
For the first day in a long, long time I took no photos. After the contest and the interminable business meeting I napped, caught up with mail, cleaned a little and then joined an online d-and-d game (which I'd just started last month) playing an impulsive halfling rogue - just about the opposite of my IRL personality - finishing up at midnight.
All in all, this was an enjoyable day. We all deserve that now and then, right?

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