Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday Self Walk

 Wednesday is the day for me to manage my own running, as Julie and Hannah now have a class. I set out with my pack to drop a little food at the 16th Ave pantry, resolved to run/walk at least 16 cycles each including 40 running steps. It's not a lot but that's the level I'm at right now.
Sadly my cellphone was almost out of charge (I hadn't plugged it in overnight). My immediate response was to turn back, for how was I to go for so long without listening to Ted Talks or something?

However I resolved to at least deliver the food. When I did that I just kept moving. Every cycle I accepted that it might be the last and then I'd turn back, but I actually accomplished the whole thing, denying it all the way. So much of exercise is psychological!

When I got home I did a short madfit of upper body exercise (...I really need to get more weights...), some Christine Khuri and then a little yoga. Then I say in the recliner, brushed the cats and watch 1 episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show. It's way out of style but interesting to see how they do things.

I wrote some GOTV letter, finishing up my batch - ready for the next! I listened to an Attorney Protective CLE. I visited the Diverse Downtowners Toastmaster meeting - sparseley attended but we discussed and commiserated over that. I did the Zoom support for the WPTL EC meeting, which went quite well; the new BOG liaison seems very enthusiastic and all of us had some good and productive planning. I listened in to the Wednesday Sierra club letter writing party more for company than information, and then attended Stage Time University which was very productive. 

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