Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Getting By

 Imp says, "Sleep With One Eye Open"

Monday I packed a box of books for Pegasus and went to their website to schedule a dropoff. The next available appointment is January 3. Oh well, I guess I have time to pack a 2nd box!
I danced Zumba mostly for the minimal social contact but I'm sure it's also good for me. I already had my morning walk, half-an-hour of YouTube workout, and lunch walk, but at my age keeping fit is important!

 Today I ordered a bunch of stamps for GOTV. Reportedly interesting stamps have a better chance of getting the letter noticed so it's worth paying the handling fee.
I sent a message to the Y about converting my dues during the time their buildings are closed to a donation so I can take it off my taxes. We'll see.
I've been getting mortgage refi inquiries, so I put my numbers together and responded to one. We'll see.
Toastmasters 832 tonight.

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