Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Home Tinkering

Since I have been notified that my place of business will be reopening mid-July, I updated ORCA for the first time in month. It seemed logical to add to the epurse instead of ordering a month pass, but we'll see if that works. I have concerns about returning to work, what with the virus, but we'll see.

To the WSBA Low Bono Section Listserve:

Friends: if you missed the Low Bono Roundtable this week, you missed an engaging discussion of pandemic time virtual trial practice : 

* One caller said he'd done both a telephonic hearing and a zoom hearing. The telephonic hearing was slow and annoying because it's not clear who's talking when. The zoom hearing was better, but there were still problems because zoom is not optimized for trial practice, e.g. how the heck do you talk privately with your client? 

* One caller was concerned about trial rules in (?Thurston?) County.
** The rule about sending each witness a complete copy of all documents to be introduced was a non-starter - a witness whose only job is to authenticate document "A" should not have a copy of unrelated medical report "B". The caller got the judge to waive that but why was the rule even there?
** The trial is open, which on the internet means to everyone on the planet - not just people who will take the time to travel to the courtroom. (Remember when you couldn't videorecord a trial? wasn't that .... February?) To be fair, Zoom observers have to promise not to record it, which is enforceable not at all. Might that impact a DV witness?

There was a lot more (need free CLE? See )  but to get the full flavor, join in the next one. We need your thoughts!

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