Sunday, March 29, 2020

Green Harvest

These were in my yard all along, and I never knew how good they are steamed and added to an omelette, or left crisp and added to a salad. I don't want to be a farmer because that is way too much work, but taking 10 minutes to gather greens for the day is a nice way to start the morning!

I updated 4freeCLE with LexisNexis and TASA and a few others. The COVID19 content is gettting a lot of hits, and I need to show there's other stuff too. --- I picked up some groceries for someone from "Buy Nothing" and have tried to observe good social distancing. It is very satisfying to be so useful, although shocking that I should be so much better off than so many. --- Tomorrow Ed and his landlord will physically go to the local office of their insurer to demand approval of work to mitigate the mold. I called her and we discussed the matter; the insurance company seems to be dragging its feet; I volunteered to help yell at them or at least publicize their perfidy. Both she and Ed have compromised systems (he's 75 and just survived cancer - he became homeless because he could not stay in that house what with the mold. I think I'll talk this over with Cyril tomorrow and try Lisa Herbold again if necessary. --- There are many sad announcements on Twitter of persons dying untimely from the disease. Very sad. Another sad thing I read was not intended so; it was a commentary by one of my beloved nieces - a very nice person - that her father claimed he was social distancing but really he had just alienated everybody. This is probably true, but sad nonetheless. --- I just feel lucky to have my house (plus or minus the mortgage), the ability to pay my own way, and friends.
And now: the heat went out. The controller in the living room is blank. I flipped breakers and messed with the filter: no result. I called WES at the number on the heat pump; due to the emergency their robot took my number, promising a callback. They actually did call back within a few minutes, and offered either a tech this evening for around $300, or one tomorrow for around $129. Since the projection is for heat to get down only to 43, I went for tomorrow. Ed says he'll be inside (after all, he had been sleeping in his truck) and Heather got the space heater. I experimented with heating a pot of edamame on the stove: it does warm the kitchen but I don't want to overcook the beans; next time I'll use just water (I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying "next time" ha!)

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