Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Busy Woden's Day

Hold Fast
We will get through this.
Today I awoke determined to get back to my exercise regime, which I had skipped yesterday. I have to recognize that part of social distance is depressing the mood, depressing the mood leads to less enthusiasm for exercise, and that leads to further depressing the mood.
Once Ed had departed for his day's work I got things going: yoga, madfit, some ab work. I felt great!
I did the usual chores: blancing yesterday's crop of greens, cleaning, updating . I felt gratitude at the garbage being collected as usual.
Sanitation Workers Are Essential!
I had two priorities, other than the usual: meeting with Anne and Regina at 1 to do final prep for the Friday webinar, and then deliver food through
Both went pretty well. I had at first thought I would just be reading some questions, but that is Regina's correctly clever recruiting: she provided the absolute minimum I would need to do, and my own sensibility is driving me to practice, rewrite, and practice again. I'll have to remember the technique; it seems to me it is VERY important that the minimum be sufficient in case the recruit really does not have the time to do more, but perfectly fine to leave gaps to be filled in.
In this case, I thought over the storytelling lessons I've practice in Toastmasters, and came up with an idea to draw in listener interest even though we were the last program of the day.  I sent them the rough draft, am eager to here if it suits their taste or needs a re-write.
Earlier in the day, as I worked through the pile of mail, Tamsen called and canceled her request for me to pick up some hair ties as I went out and about today. Either her sewing person already had some or they decided to go another way.
Food Deliveries funded by
The food trip also went well. I departed late because the WPTL call ran over an hour, but I called Jimie' to inform her and that was ok. She had a handmade mask using hair ties - just like what Tamsen had described. Shopping took longer than I had figured; much of the delay was me trying to figure out how much was the right about for a family of 8 - I'm used to feeding a family of me!
They took a couple of photos - one for the money donor, one for me showing my "HOLD FAST" gloves. Then it was time to deliver. I learned from the delivery:
  • First, make absolutely sure that my phone is fully charged or that I have a charger in the car. Google Maps was running on fumes toward the end LOL 
  • Second, the difference between Building C and Building D is very important. I was half of a very silly comedy sketch working this out today, you can imagine the rest haha! 
  • Third, next time I will definitely print out the shopping list on paper. Doing everything on a cell phone is a nice in theory but in practice the print is way too tiny
There will definitely be a next time, since I am very glad that the organizers put this together, and I hope to do this again next week!

Ant Trap Monster
I must have left something sweet on the countertop because the sugar ants were back like crazy. I washed with water and they came back; then I washed with soap and water and was sure to bring up a few suspicious spots. I also made one more ant trap - version 2.0 based on a catfood cup.

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