Saturday, January 16, 2021

Patio Start


I'm determined to clean up my house to the point that I can host a New Year's Party at the end of the year. This means a lot of cleaning and a lot of maintenance; the fence that Brian and Melody have proposed is just the first step.

This week I reorg'd the patio, chucking the work tables because although they are functional, they looked awful and I want nice things. This arrangement is just a start.
Friday I got extra food to distribute because a 3-day weekend was coming up. I suppose that's my Day Of Service thing.
Today - Saturday - I had a Toastmasters Divisional meeting that wiped out Zoomba, then I helped someone from Buy Nothing try to figure out their leaky roof. I had conveniently forgotten the dread of getting off the roof - that moment of moving from a nice solid roof to a potentially slippy ladder, but I was wise enough to call them on my phone and ask them to hold the ladder, and then felt ok. I cleaned the gutter which they were sure was the problem, but I think there's also a design problem in that a flat roof that much beat least 20x20 is drained by a 1 inch pipe and I don't see how that can possibly avoid backing up when we get a storm. Oh well.
Tonight is DND night!

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