Sunday, December 13, 2020

Weekend Cleanup

 I reorganized my yellow room so that my two little desks are as one big L-shaped desk and the wall behind me is blank. I plan to repaint it to look more like a zoom studio.

I got my walking in although I had to take it easy on my left foot was I may have overworked it during Saturday Zumba.

I'm steadily although not necessarily speedily moving stuff on through Buy Nothing. Having the shed restored to sanity, now I'm working on the Yellow Room Closet, which requires doing something about all those board games I never play (due to pandemic and the plethora of new games available on the internet.)

Friday I had the zoom room open for gaming; Mary from blockwatch and Vicki from Timebank came on and we all three talked but gamed not at all.

Sunday I was reminded to work on the Elfster/giftgiving for SPEAKOUT, and worked it out.

Sunday Ed was having codewords but just before I got a message from Sandy asking about a game link, which turned out to be last week. I opened a room and emailed the hobbit list, from which Mary Russell joined in; Sandy  invited  her SCA friend Galen and Mary Russell dropped in. We started Lost Cities when it was just the two of us but at Galen's suggestion switched to Alhambra, which is a good game but very different. I think I see some general principles about games of Alhambra's type, about building productive capacity before worrying about scoring or something. 

Ginny flows to fill her space

Imp monitors the neighbors' back yards

Shadow prefers the chair I've most recently sat in

A few last tamerinds

Zoom-ba and christmas cat tree

Western Glowing Cedar near highpoint

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