Monday, August 24, 2020

New Cat In The Hood

This is a new cat in the neighborhood. It seems well cared for, not hungry or fearful. It let me pet it and pick it up briefly; it's about the same weight as Arthur, so maybe 6 pounds although it seems young and may still be growing. Charles confirmed this is the cat he saw interacting with Ginny the other day. Today Imp was less impressed, sitting and watching and when New Cat approached, even showing her teeth and hissing - which I rarely see.
My continuing conversation with LinkedIn continues. Recently someone gave me a URL that ended in a right parenthesis. When it was posted it in LinkedIn, the URL was resolved excluding the right parenthesis from the hotlink! I was able to achieve my intent by manually adding the character to the address line when I clicked on the link, but this was an interesting problem that I sent to their "Help". After a lot of back-and-forth they escalated it and are working on it. Who knows, I may be part of solving a small problem just by noticing!

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