Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday Rest

Today I called in sick to Gaylen. It is the beginning of my retirement, or my next step anyway.
On today's walk I met an older man who offered spare flower seeds, which we declined, and used books. I drove back afterwards and chatted, promising to pass the books to someplace useful. I've been putting a few in my backpack when I walk, for distribution at Little Free Libraries, so this is no problem. As we talked, I mentioned my retirement and he, like so many, felt obliged to remind me that if I worked longer I'd get a higher monthly payment from Social Security. I believe that this is well meant.
Purple Bug And House
The Dino Garden Now Features
A Seal Preaching
Nice Purple Flowers

The furnace filters that I'd ordered from Amazon using a credit from something I'd forgotten arrived, and appear functional. I have the system off most of the time during this season so I hope the filters will last longer than intended.
Tonight we had Toastmasters Club 832 (West Seattle) Executive Committee meeting via Zoom, which went smoothly to the surprise of no-one. The impending meeting encouraged me to re-figure out the website, at the meeting we figured out updating our Facebook page, and also during it I actually accessed the Club google docs, discovering the position manuals I'd wanted emailed to me. The key point: nothing needs to be mailed if its web repository is known.
Mostly I rested. It's been a long career and now it's time for change.

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