Tuesday, March 22, 2022

An unexpected day

Gina And her older son
I got a call from the WA/NG recruited SSGT Robert Williams, following up my checking their website the other day. We discussed the possibility that some Afghan refugees may want to join the Guard as a jo and to integrate with the community. He seemed positive about this, mentioning that they were working with refugees, and plans to come to the Center on Friday to chat with Rita.
Gina, who I know only from Buy Nothing, had a sewing machine to donate (it needs a power cord/foot pedal combination but I'll work that out) . I walked over there to finish up my walking quota (and to stop for coffee at HPCS) only to discover that she'd texted me asking if I'd be willing to drive her to SoHo to get some stuff from the back of her son's pizza shop (formerly a warehouse selling growing supplies, but he's switched businesses.) This was an unexpected turn of events but if was fun going there, having a slice, and picking out stuff. I emphasized that if she needed another trip, to contact me.
Laster still, Nancy stopped by withsewing notions and her dog. We had a nice chat and who know what more community stuff we may do.
All in all, a good day although not exactly as planned!

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