February 2025 Free CLE
February 3:
* Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
February 4:
* The Dawning of a New Era: Combining Extractive and Generative AI for New Possibilities. By LexisNexis.
February 5:
* Breakthrough Brain Discoveries and the Law. By Fordham Law School Neuroscience and Law Center.
* Early Case Assessment. By LexisNexis.
* HIPAA - Understanding Enforcement, Penalties & Research Strategies. By LexisNexis.
* Preparing Your Client for Mediation. By WSBA.
February 6:
* Immigration in 2025: Key Changes U.S. Employers Need to Know. By Cozen O'Connor.
* Bankruptcy - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. By CES.
February 7:
* Moneyball for Civil Litigation. By LexisNexis.
February 10:
* Clio's Legal AI Virtual Summit. By Clio.
* Clio's Legal AI Virtual Summit. By Clio.
February 11:
* Marijuana in the Workplace: An Update and a Look Forward. By LexisNexis.
February 12:
* Ethical Dangers of Isolation in the Profession. By Minnesota State Law Library.
* ESG and the Climate: Emerging Risks & Compliance. By LexisNexis.
* AI And The Record: Balancing Artificial Intelligence Innovations, Best Practices, and Ethics in Legal Proceedings. By Veritext.
* 22 Lewd Chinese Women: Chy Lung v. Freeman. By Fordham.
* The State of Reproductive Rights after Dobbs. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
February 13:
* The Blue Prints: Advanced Strategies for Resolving Construction Disputes and More. By National Conflict Resolution Center.
February 14:
* The Dawning of a New Era: Combining Extractive and Generative AI for New Possibilities. By LexisNexis.
* Research & Drafting Techniques For Corporate Law. By LexisNexis.
* The H-1B Visa: A Deep Dive. By LawPay.
* Investigating and Estimating Fire Claims Webinar. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
February 18:
* Independent and Non-Panel Counsel: Rights and Duties. By Perrin.
February 19:
* Check, please! Ethical Billing Practices To Avoid Fee Disputes. By AttorneyProte tive.
* A Handy Primer on Drafting and Updating Employee Handbooks. By LexisNexis.
February 20:
* Ethics Jeopardy: Answers and Questions. By Clifford Law Offices.
February 20:
* Ethics Jeopardy: Answers and Questions. By Clifford Law Offices.
* Lighting Up: Pursuing Recovery for Grow Lamp and Fixture Failures. By Cozen O'Connor.
February 21:
* Cyber Law and Cybersecurity Insurance 101. By LexisNexis.
* Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts. By LexisNexis.
February 24:
* Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
February 25:
* Marijuana in the Workplace: An Update and a Look Forward. By LexisNexis.
* Best Practices for Demographic Reporting. By Washington State Bar Association.
February 26:
* Artificial Intelligence Key Legal Issues. By LexisNexis.
February 27:
* Navigating Supply Chain Challenges in 2025: Key Insights on New Import & Export Rules for U.S. Businesses. By Bloomberg.
* Construction Site Accident Claims Webinar. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
February 28:
* Trends to Watch in Antitrust Law. By LexisNexis.
March 2025 Free CLE
March 3:
* Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
* Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
March 5:
* Research Skills for Litigators. by LexisNexis.
March 6:
* Why Lenders Miss Closing Dates. By CES.
* The Role of an Independent Judiciary in Maintaining the Rule of Law. By Widener University Commonwealth Law School.
March 7:
* HIPAA - Understanding Enforcement, Penalties & Research Strategies. By LexisNexis.
March 11:
* Use of AI and ChatGPT/LLM In the Law Profession. By Alta Pro.
* Marijuana in the Workplace: An Update and a Look Forward. By LexisNexis.
* Clio's Criminal Defense Law Firm Virtual Summit. By Clio.
March 12:
* Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Sector. By LexisNexis.
March 13:
* Minnesota Legislative History Research. By Minnesota State Law Library.
March 14:
* Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.
March 19:
* Cybersecurity and Data Breaches. By LexisNexis.
* Evaluating Hospital Procedures for Authorizing Emergency Abortion. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
* All the World’s a Stage: Elements of Theatre in the Practice of Law. By LEAP Legal Software.
March 20:
* Admissibility of Expert Testimony. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
* Untangling the Web - Your Roadmap to Navigating State Privacy and Data Security Laws. By Washington State Bar Association.
* Untangling the Web - Your Roadmap to Navigating State Privacy and Data Security Laws. By Washington State Bar Association.
March 21:
* Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts. By LexisNexis.
* Researching Experts and Judges. By LexisNexis.
March 25:
* Marijuana in the Workplace: An Update and a Look Forward. By LexisNexis.
March 26:
* Introduction to London Arbitrations. By Perrin.
March 28:
* Due Diligence in Intellectual Property Transactions. By LexisNexis.
* Trends to Watch in Antitrust Law. By LexisNexis
April 2025 Free CLE
April 3:
April 9:
April 15:
* Minnesota's New Clemency Law Reforms. By Minnesota State Law Library.
April 25:
* Construction Defects from the Developer & GC Perspective. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
May 2025 Free CLE
May 1:
* Being an Advocate and Shaking Hands Afterwards. By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 8:
* Solo and Small Firm Virtual Summit. By Clio.
May 22:
* The Role of Civility in Negotiations: Engaging in Collaborative Discussions and Dealing with the Challenges of Inflexible Negotiators. By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 29:
* Allocation of Responsibility for Construction Defects. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
June 2025 Free CLE
June 26:
* Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation. By National Conflict Resolution Center.
* Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation. By National Conflict Resolution Center.
That's it for now! Share this information freely, send me any updates, and best of luck to you and yours in the year upcoming - REW.
P.S. If you're in Texas, subscribe to Abdul Faraki's Free CLE for Texas Lawyers.
P.P.S. If you're not in Texas, why not create a Free CLE for Your State website? Very likely you know your state better than I do! If you have technical questions, let me know and we'll chat!