Friday, September 18, 2020

Spread Joy / Not Without Tears

Today's Walk's Little Free Library:
Spread Joy

It can be very distressing to get a notice from a bill collector. Such notices are designed that way.
My daughter Kiara got one referring to a debt that she thought was under control, subject to an agreement that she was current with. It's bad enough to get a bill collector put on you when you owe the money, but when you've already made arrangements it can be worse.
I got to play Dear Old Dad by reading through all the documentation, confirming the facts, and suggesting that she respond immediately to the notice disputing the debt. I think that the most likely explanation for the notice was that one financing company sold a bundle of debt to another financing company, which started processing it a while later without bothering to check whether the debt was still owed. Or maybe the collections notice was the means it employed to check. After all, mailing a letter is not that expensive and it's up to the creditor to raise a dispute. Maybe the collector hopes to hit the jackpot by terrorizing money out of an innocent party.
It can be very upsetting, but Kiara is now dealing with it.

I enjoyed Storeyweavers Toastmasters again, not only the meeting but the discussion afterwards in support of the report I had to fill out. This Club appears to have recruited some people but was concerned about people falling away and the difficulty of closing when prospects seem enthusiastic. Zoom fatigue is real, and the problem of closing probably affects everyone, so perhaps we can have a divisionwide response.

Toward the end of the day I sat in my recliner, intending to turn on the tube but waiting, because Shadow was in my lap so I couldn't move. Heather brought Arthur's ashes and thanked me for the photoessay about him, which they shared at work. She said they loved it, not without tears. 
Tears are not bad, they simply are.
As today's little free library says: spread joy.

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