Monday, September 14, 2020

Sitting Around Sunday

 I'm in a pretty low energy state, maybe due to recovering from Arthur's death, maybe due to the bad air from the fires, maybe - who knows? I have not been taking my long morning walks and probably my body is unhappy about that.

Who Wants A Rice Cooker?

Even giving things away on the "Buy Nothing" group is impacted, as people express interest but need to stay in their homes. Ron's rice cooker has been claimed, but still sits on my porch.

I know things will get better, and tinkering with my telling of Arthur's story brings happy memories, but this is not a time of great energy.

On the plus side, Shadow in particular has discovered how to get attention. If I sit in my recliner, she jumps in my lap to be petted or brushes. Ginny has seen this and is now trying the same thing, which is good because due to her long hair, she needs a lot of brushing.

Over the weekend I had some good chats with Sherry. She's a good friend.

I also had a timebank planning meeting, another group of good friends.

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