Saturday, August 22, 2020

Shadow Recovery Saturday

Yesterday, Shadow's teeth cleaning involved removing her two upper incisors, which had problems around the roots not unusual for a cat of 16 years. Otherwise she's in great condition. For about the next 2 weeks I have to monitor her diet - no crunchy food that might get under the stitches - and this means changes for the other cats as well. Also she gets medication twice daily. To offset this disruption I provide additional affection and attention; they'll be getting a lot more fish for a while, too.
I got my yoga/madfit/Khuri Abs routine in this morning and feel good about that.
I skipped all my Saturday possible meetings - both Zumba and Toastmasters - to attend a 34th District Democrats phoneback. It was actually enjoyable and I felt useful.
I got some steps in feeding the ducks as usual. Scott and Vanessa were hosting a pay-anything yard sale to raise funds for the school, so I spent all the cash I have on an advanced catbox igloo style, a nice metal coffee carafe, and another metal coffee sippy cup - you can't have too many of those!
I have been feeling lazy these past few days. It may be the heat, it may just be being on my own, it may be Arthur being more forward about awakening me at 2pm.

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