Saturday, June 06, 2020

Home Saturday

Much of today I hung around the house, periodically logging into Zoom to work on my sourdough with Hannah's coaching. Sunday shall be the baking.
Of course the big news is the continuing Black Lives Matters demonstrations on top of the COVID19 and everything else. I do not feel that I can do much except be distantly supportive but once I retire I will be able to be a full time activist perhaps. I am working on being productive when I am fully in control of my schedule, and not subject to the structure of an employer.
This weekend I am resolved to upload a sample speech for comment to Stage Time University. I do not feel as polished as most who do this, but I have a big problem: engaging with the audience via chat polls requires sitting close to the laptop but that restricts the use of body and gesture. What to do (other than get an assistant to load the questions)?
While I was reviewing some commentary by YouTube's "LegalEagle" I heard a reference to "Ting", basically bill-on-usage phone service. I signed in for an account and when the SIM arrives will try it out. I have had good luck with MetroMile, so I'm willing to experiment with its telephone equivalent, especially since my data usage appears to have been less than a gig a month.

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