Thursday, May 28, 2020

Zooming WSBA

West Seattle Watchbush?
I returned from the usual morning walk (see photos) and the scheduled FEEST shop and drop in time to participate in a WSBA Section Leaders Zoom meeting. The focus was on executive committee recruitment and succession issues - something that we at WPTL rarely focus on, except for the annual executive committee candidate recruitment. It was a productive discussion, as I heard from some smaller sections that their process was as minimal and frustrating as ours, and from some bigger sections about how their process was well organized and effective and frustrating. I hope to report to WPTL's EC on this soon and maybe we'll do better.
After zoomba, I gardened until it was almost dark. This seems to be a better time of day than the morning, since in the morning I have so many plans for the day, but in the evening I am just chilling. I finished off the south side bed that's near the foundation - originally intended as an herb garden - and pulled the morning glory from the peas on the north fence.
I'm renaming the audience Participation speech to "Part of the Presentation" to make it more mysterious, and scheduled myself for the hot seat next Tuesday. I hope it'll be helpful to the members, and give me a recording to send STU.
Anne Lamott Quote

Street Ants

Literally - Not Figuratively - Buzzing With Activity

Deck Wreck

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