Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Taskmaster Tuesday

The morning walk was especially long today; for some reason we went up to the Admiral District. I don't really care; it's nice to chat and I need the steps, of which Hannah's gadget said there were more than 13,000. I guess that counts as exercise.
I prepared for this evening's Toastmasters meeting, as Toastmaster. When I picked up an unboxed but factory-wrapped N95 for the Mask Brigade, and the donor also apologetically asked if we could use a couple of unused surgical masks in a baggie. "My silly mother wants to give this," she said, and "Why not?" I accepted.  I have no idea whether it can be used but it is a gift nonetheless.
FEEST shopping was at Westwood QFC, of all places; it went quickly but I never shop there because usually it's more expensive. However they had a screaming deal on tunafish that brought me back after the official shopping was done.
I often feel tired; I don't know whether I'm anemic or lazy.


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