Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Silent Christmas, 2013

I was determined to spend this holiday resting at home in a Day Of Silence. 2013 was entirely too eventful. I hope this offends no family members or friends, but sometimes you just have to take a day off everything.
Of course, it didn't help that I was disinvited from the McCord Christmas dinner. Kris having decided to break up our marriage, I had inquired whether she would prefer that I attend. I would have enjoyed it and been supportive to the family which is still reeling from Larry's death.
Kris with her customary passive agressiveness said something vague about it being convenient for someone else to pick her up after work and they would do something or other. I don't think she intends to be annoying; she is simply uninterested in being clear.
I don't mind being alone on the holidays. Frankly, most of the rituals are burdens to me. People talk talk talk and say nothing; I prefer to get something useful done.

Such a Neighborly note
(Plus nice ornament and fudge!)
Another reason I totally love this neighborhood: amazing neighbors, almost like one of those Jimmy Stewart movies (...where I play the role of crazy ol' coot lol....). I put one of those "Little Free Libraries" in front, and I guess it's sufficiently well appreciated that a family from two blocks over just left this nice hand-written note and swag. I especially like the cinnamon-scented snowflake - very festive!!
 I made it through most of the day observing silence, which is very restful (...and highly uncharacteristic!) however when I was outside, a neighbor greeted me ... and wutcanyadohuh?
Sadly, the neighbor had to report that the window on her Jeep was smashed - evidently someone wanted to get something in a bag in the back seat. This was distressing but I was sympathetic.

I enjoyed the day with the cats and got a lot done.

Then Ginger dropped of Kris. I was engaged in doing the laundry and didn't feel the need for conversation. I just don't know how to deal with them when they are determined to put me out of my house. If they have realized the futility of this endeavor I am willing to carry on as just a normal roommate, but it would help if they would say something.

But they won't. So it's up to me "Keep Calm And Carry On".
There are many difficulties. For one, what to do when they bring me leftovers from their happy Christmas meal?
I think it is intended as a kindness. Hey they had good food, they have some left over, why not share it with Randy?
("Why is Randy alone on Christmas?" doesn't seem to have been a consideration.)
Leftover Food
For the Leftover Man
My first inclination was to throw the leftovers on the compost heap. Why on earth would I want scraps from a meal that I had not only not been invited to ... but had been disinvited from?
If Kris had to babble about how much fun she had, I could ignore it at least. But actual, physical food?
I appreciate that this was meant in a kindly way, but it was so very very stupid of them.
What the heck. I tried the food. The meat was dreadful but the deviled eggs were ok, and the potatoes appropriately cheesy. The pumpkin pie was a standard store-bought pie and the fudge - well, who doesn't like fudge? I sure do!
All-in-all, I supposed I should just appreciate the kindly meant food, and act thankful. Why be a jerk? More importantly, Why Pass Up Pie?
At an appropriate time, I did try to talk with Kris about the situation - not the demeaning and insulting leftovers, but the big issue: how to live together if she was going to be trying to throw me out of my home. She seemed able to process the issue when it was presented calmly, and said that she had not initiated any legal process at this time. I said I understood the situation and thought that we would be able to live together calmly so long as we were working cooperatively on doing so. I said I thought if she chose to talk with a lawyer, that would not be a bad thing and that the lawyer would most likely analyze my rights the same as I had. I mentioned that I had talked to a real estate agent about Don's property and the agent had motivation to effectuate the sale, since that's how he made his living. If this could be worked out, then everything would go calmly. Since we are in practical terms roommates, not romantic partners, I don't expect her to keep me apprised of her comings and goings, although anything major would be appreciated. She seemed to still want rides places so I guess she intends to keep taking advantage of me while she can. What happens next I don't know but as long as I can keep calm and carry on I suppose it'll be o.k.  Not optimal, but o.k.

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