Sunday, March 02, 2025

March 2025+ Free CLE

 Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I'm excited to share this month’s Free CLE Webinar calendar with you. Use it and share it with your network. Please note that while all listings are free, not all are approved for credit in every jurisdiction. For events that don’t list your state, you may be able to self-apply for credit depending on your jurisdiction's rules.

If you discover any new programs, tell me about them - I continuously update the webinar calendar throughout the month at . Thank you for your continued support, and happy learning! - REW

March 2025 Free CLE
March 3:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
The Limits of Loper Bright. By Widener University Commonwealth Law School.
March 5: 
March 6:
The Role of an Independent Judiciary in Maintaining the Rule of Law. By Widener University Commonwealth Law School.
March 7:
March 11:
March 12:
March 13:
*  Minnesota Legislative History Research. By Minnesota State Law Library.
March 14: 
Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.
March 18: 
Evaluating Hospital Procedures for Authorizing Emergency Abortion. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
March 20:
* Admissibility of Expert Testimony. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
Untangling the Web - Your Roadmap to Navigating State Privacy and Data Security Laws. By Washington State Bar Association.
March 21: 
March 25:
March 26:
Trauma-Informed Spanish for Lawyers Serving Unaccompanied Children. By ABA Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA).
March 28:

April 2025 Free CLE

April 1:
April 2:
Early Case Assessment. By LexisNexis.
April 3:
April 4:
* April 4: Radical Inclusion at the DisCo: Reproductive Justice is Disability Justice. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
April 8:
April 9: 
April 11:
April 15: 
Minnesota's New Clemency Law Reforms. By Minnesota State Law Library.
April 16:
April 18: 
April 25: 
Construction Defects from the Developer & GC Perspective. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
April 28:
April 30:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.

May 2025 Free CLE

May 1: 
Being an Advocate and Shaking Hands Afterwards.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 2:
May 5:
May 7:
May 8:
May 9:
May 14: 
May 16:
May 20: 
May 22:
May 29: 
Allocation of Responsibility for Construction Defects. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.

June 2025 Free CLE

June 3:
June 5:
June 10:
June 12: 
June 12: 
Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.
June 24:
June 26:
Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.

That's it for now! Share this information freely, send me any updates, and best of luck to you and yours in the year upcoming - REW.

P.S. If you're in Texas, subscribe to Abdul Faraki's Free CLE for Texas Lawyers.
P.P.S. If you're not in Texas, why not create a Free CLE for Your State website? Very likely you know your state better than I do! If you have technical questions, let me know and we'll chat!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Civil Service Thoughts

Let me offer a few thoughts as a retired Feddie

* In my experience, Civil Servants are just like everyone else, with a wide range of political opinions. Due to veterans' preference rules, there is a higher percentage of veterans than in the general population and, in my office at least, rather more older persons, likely because the feds don't use your age during the hiring process. Otherwise, a crowd of us looks and acts pretty much like any crowd of randomly selected individuals.

* Job Rules: Civil Servants have heavily defined roles with strict rules. You wouldn't want it any other way!

* Confidentiality: Accessing records without authorization or disclosing information to persons not authorized gets you in big trouble - up to firing, loss of pension, and civil or even criminal penalties. Just in case someone forgets, there are periodic reminders - after which you sign a document saying, "Yes I watched the training video".

* Political Neutrality: Civil servants avoid political discussions at work, focusing on their duties.

* Public Interaction: Calls with the public are recorded and reviewed to maintain quality and accountability. Thus even if you were foolish enough to engage in political banter with the taxpayer, you might get caught and suffer consequences - so just don't. Besides, you get rated on how quickly you complete an activity correctly, so wasting time with political chitchat costs you later.

* Evaluations: Everyone gets regular evaluations based on rules, directly impacting your raise, promotion and even job security (although it's more common to try to remediate shortcomings rather than fire immediately). If Elon really wanted to know what people did, he could just pull the evaluations.

* Manager Accountability: Managers are also evaluated, so don't count on sliding by with an easy manager.

* Stress and Support: Employees work under stress, and it’s important to be kind and understanding.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today's Little Patriotic Gesture - Yes We Can!

Me in the garden today
Today's Little Patriotic Gesture was stopping by VA Puget Sound Health Care's Building 101 as part of a study to detect signs of dementia early enough to do something about it; it needs a whole LOT of volunteers like me (presumably a "healthy control" but who knows?) to build a database.

It's fun, they give you tests that are fun (why is remembering 7 random digits easy but remembering 9 random digits is hard?), and it's good to do something positive however small.

Why not sign up for trials like this yourself!

Afterwards, I visited my crusty old friend Cyril Miller, temporarily housed in their Community Living Center while recovering from something to do with being d@mn old. From his hospital be,d he's fielding phone calls to connect veterans in need with resources - King County has a lot of good stuff thanks to our levy, but you have to know about it - he does his part.

Afterward I visited the Healing Garden (for this photo) to which I had made a small contribution so long ago, and am proud to be remembered on the same plaque as Cyril's sister Zelda. She departed our world too soon but left Cyril the kidney that helps him p1ss off the footdraggers.

None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Addiction Intervention: No One Is Above The Law

I know you want pretty pictures, but it's time for an intervention.

You ever try to tell someone that their addiction is hurting them, hurting their children, hurting people they love?

I've had that conversation, maybe you have too.

The addict is just as smart as you, so they understand your words and when you point to an exact example of what their addiction is doing to their kids or themselves or their world, you see them understand.

Then their eyes get unfocussed for a second, and they're back with a response:

  • You don't understand.
  • You're just saying that to make them feel bad.
  • You think you're better than them.

Off they go, on the long spiral down.

That is just the way addiction works.


Yesterday, the Chief Addiction announced he is above the law. See the screen shot?

He's telling his addicts that nothing he does is illegal.

(Didn't we settle that with Nixon?)

You may not have read the details of what he's doing, because corporate media is corporate first, media second or not at all.

But a few of the objectively illegal things he's doing:

  • Stop health research that Congress ordered.
  • Close a cybersecurity office that Congress ordered.
  • Stop food aid that Congress ordered ... leaving half a billion dollars in food sitting, undistributed and unguarded, in warehouses around the world to rot or for gangs to steal.
  • Violate the Privacy Act of 1974 (signed into law by Tricky Dick himself!) by giving Elon Musk your tax, Medicare, VA and other records to populate his AIs and decide who is worthy.

There's more, but you get the idea.

It's no use telling this to addicts; an addict can not go against his addiction.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

Those of us not addicted to MAGA can peacefully demonstrate on President's Day, demanding the return of the rule of law.

(You want to cancel cancer research? fine, pass a law in Congress).

We can call our Congresscritters and tell them we prefer Congress to make the law ( makes it easy)

We can talk with our family, friends and neighbors to see who will help us and who we can help when Trump's tariffs and illegal layoffs crumble the economy again.

We can have compassion for the addicts.

After all, they are one of us.

We're all in this together.



Sunday, February 02, 2025

Free CLE Webinars February 2025+

February 2025 Free CLE

February 3:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
February 4: 
February 5: 
Breakthrough Brain Discoveries and the Law. By Fordham Law School Neuroscience and Law Center.
Early Case Assessment. By LexisNexis.
February 6:
February 7: 
Moneyball for Civil Litigation. By LexisNexis. 
February 10:
Clio's Legal AI Virtual Summit. By Clio.
February 11: 
February 12: 
Ethical Dangers of Isolation in the Profession. By Minnesota State Law Library.
The State of Reproductive Rights after Dobbs. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
February 13: 
February 14:
Investigating and Estimating Fire Claims Webinar. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
February 19: 
February 21:
February 24:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
Best Practices for Demographic Reporting. By Washington State Bar Association.
February 26:
February 27:
Construction Site Accident Claims Webinar. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
February 28:

March 2025 Free CLE

March 3:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
March 5: 
March 6:
The Role of an Independent Judiciary in Maintaining the Rule of Law. By Widener University Commonwealth Law School.
March 7:
March 11:
March 12:
March 13:
*  Minnesota Legislative History Research. By Minnesota State Law Library.
March 14: 
Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.
Evaluating Hospital Procedures for Authorizing Emergency Abortion. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
March 20:
* Admissibility of Expert Testimony. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
Untangling the Web - Your Roadmap to Navigating State Privacy and Data Security Laws. By Washington State Bar Association.
March 21: 
March 25:
March 26:
March 28:

April 2025 Free CLE

April 3:
April 9: 
April 15: 
Minnesota's New Clemency Law Reforms. By Minnesota State Law Library.
April 25: 
Construction Defects from the Developer & GC Perspective. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.

May 2025 Free CLE

May 1: 
Being an Advocate and Shaking Hands Afterwards.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 8:
May 22:
May 29: 
Allocation of Responsibility for Construction Defects. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.

June 2025 Free CLE

June 26:
Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.

That's it for now! Share this information freely, send me any updates, and best of luck to you and yours in the year upcoming - REW.

P.S. If you're in Texas, subscribe to Abdul Faraki's Free CLE for Texas Lawyers.
P.P.S. If you're not in Texas, why not create a Free CLE for Your State website? Very likely you know your state better than I do! If you have technical questions, let me know and we'll chat!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wayback Machine v Trump Regime

People concerned about the Trump regime's destruction of public information ... which should concern all of us ... are reminded of the existence of the internet archive (a.k.a.
For example, is now offline (because nothing is more dangerous to "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" than women who can control their own bodies) but there is still
EDITTED: someone set a site up to replace it 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

How social media destroys democratic discourse, explained in 6 easy figures

Philipp Markolin explains:

"An evidence-based worldview has come under attack from rightwing populist movements all around the world. Fueling the rise of these precarious political parties is a broken information ecosystem that came about by the technological disruption of the information age, especially the social media platform giants of the web 2.0.

It seems that only now people begin to truly realize that silicon valley moved fast and broke things, with no idea of how to put back together the pieces.

Many still dispute what exactly went wrong; misinformation, polarization, extremism, algorithms, influence operations … a long list of symptoms and culprits are offered; but no coherent picture of how they all relate to each other.

So maybe I can share how I think about the bigger picture after spending a great deal immersing myself in the topic; and lay out, as simple as I can, what goes wrong in the information ecosystems we currently inhabit.

As always, there is a handy summary infographic, free to use:

More - much more good stuff - at

Friday, January 17, 2025

Certified Wildlife Habitat

A couple of neighbors have these "Certified Wildlife Habitat" signs. It looks like an interesting program, especially since I'll have to massively reformat my yard anyway, due to the unfortunate death of my Scots Pine.

 Any and all advice is welcome - have you had experience with this or a similar program? 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Hosting Local Candidates

Tuesday the 14th our "Postcards 4 Democracy" hosted candidates to fill a statehouse seat. It was a really great chance to meet local candidates, ask questions, see who's ready for prime time. Can you spot me in the photo? Now I know what I look like from the back! 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snackle Box


My neighbor's Snackle Box - very handy to take to a party!

Today we had a neighborhood happy hour - snacks, drinks and conversation - among the people of our block, to get to know each other and support each other in the dark times ahead. One brought their party contributions in this tackle box, a very clever idea!

It won't change the world but together, we can.

Friday, January 10, 2025

New(ish) cat in my yard


I like cats.

A few years ago, I helped someone from the West Seattle Time Bank move boxes from their basement to their yard sale, and she insisted I take something in reward. This cat called to me, of course, but it has taken years for it to find its spot.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Simple Cotton T-Shirt and Me

I'm taking at least 1 picture of myself a month, as a way of accepting and enjoying my continuing growth beyond my mental age of about 23. 

 In this image I am thinking, after getting all sweaty at the Y, that I like my simple cotton t-shirt better than my fancy synthetic wicking sleeveless jersey, if only because these sleeves are useful for mopping sweat off my rapidly expanding forehead! 

(Are you ready to photo your monthly progress?)

Thanks, Pete!

My first full-time job in the private sector was in the 1980s, as a computer programmer for Coleco Industries of West Hartford, Connecticut - the Cabbage Patch Kids company. Our systems analyst’s name was Pete, and our senior programmer was also named Pete. I don’t think I was hired just because my name is not Pete, but it may have helped.

Every year we got forms to fill out concerning how much of our pay to put into a defined contribution retirement plan. One of the Petes asked me how much I was putting in. I said, “I'm gonna put that off for another year. Right now, I’m just making expenses but I’m sure I’ll get a raise next year and I’ll save most of that.”

“Randy, that will never happen. Your lifestyle will always rise to match your paycheck,” said one of the Petes. “When you get a bigger paycheck, you’ll find more to spend it on.”

I bristled inside. I knew in my heart that I had all the virtues and was a mountain of self-discipline. I definitely would save prudently when the time came … just not now.

Pete quietly said, “They match your contribution. 100% match for the first 3%.”

That got my attention. Free money got my attention. I signed up for the max.

Years went by. I got raises, but Pete was right: my lifestyle expanded to fit my paycheck. There was always an opportunity, a need, or just a chance to enjoy life a little that coincidentally fit the amount of money I had saved at the credit union. That mountain of self-discipline was a comforting illusion, good for my ego but not so good for my savings.

Then came the housing industry collapse around 2008. This was a tragedy for millions or maybe tens of millions who lost everything, but for me it was an opportunity to stop paying rent and start paying a mortgage - therefore building equity. I had not been willing to risk my retirement savings on the theory that housing prices would keep climbing - I knew from experience it ain’t necessarily so - but buying into a depressed market was attractive.

And … it was possible only because of that 3% every paycheck going into an account.

(The full story is more complicated due to employer changes, but just roll with it, ok?)

I pulled out enough for down payment, paid taxes and penalties, and moved into the house I live in today. After refinancing during the 2020 collapse, I am now paying less for my 4-bedroom house than I would pay to rent a 1-bedroom apartment 3 blocks from here.

The lesson I’d like to pass on is not that you should hope for financial collapse. That is a bad plan for many reasons.

I feel that waiting until you make enough money to start saving is not going to happen. There will always be something else to spend on - especially if you have kids or other responsibilities.

What might work is to take that money out of your paycheck before you see it, and adjust your lifestyle to what you got left. Nothing in life is certain, but this worked for me and might work for you.

I appreciate that too many people are working too many hours for too little pay to get by, and I don't have an answer for that. But if you can put that 3% away before it hits your paycheck ... and especially if you have employer match ... it might pay off for you as it did for me.

I have lost track of most of my Coleco buddies, but I owe them this: Thank you, Pete, wherever you are. And whichever one you were!

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Blooming today what?!?


Jim O'Grady replied to this photo with "Camellias are early bloomers, but seem to be even earlier this season."

Sunday, January 05, 2025

IYKYK: Button Jar

When I was a kid, families always had these. When shirts and things need repair, a button from the button jar is cheaper and faster to get than one from the store. It's probably a Depression-era/WW2-era practice from my mom, but who knows?

Even today, when I decommission a shirt because it's worn out, I habitually scissor off the buttons into a jar and every 10 years or so give the jar to someone who I hope has a use for its contents. Is this reasonable? who cares!

My friends on Facebook responded to this photo with more than 20 comments; people like to talk about things like this and have many memories.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Accidental Illusion

 I was aiming for an image of Ginny overflowing the front window bed, but upon review, noticed the reflection of the lamp appearing in the photo. Perhaps I'll try again at a different angle to improve the illusion.

Soft Focus Hawthorne

We've still got a few hawthorne fruit on the branches. It's a pretty spot of color on these grey days.

 If they look a little out of focus, just take your glasses off and you'll see them the way they look to me 😉

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Blooming January!


I used the Timestamp feature to verify that today, a drizzly winter day in Seattle, someone just doesn't know how to quit blooming!

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Free CLE Webinars January 2025+


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I'm excited to share this month’s Free CLE Webinar calendar with you. Use it and share it with your network! Please note that while all listings are free, not all are approved for credit in every jurisdiction. For events that don’t list your state, you may be able to self-apply for credit depending on your jurisdiction's rules.

If you discover any new programs, tell me about them - I continuously update the webinar calendar throughout the month at .

January 2025 Free CLE
Supreme Court Review. Minnesota State Law Library.
January 9:
Marijuana in the Workplace: An Update and a Look Forward. By LexisNexis.
January 22: 
January 23: 
January 24:
Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.

February 2025 Free CLE

February 3:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
February 4: 
February 5: 
February 7: 
Moneyball for Civil Litigation. By LexisNexis. 
February 10:
Clio's Legal AI Virtual Summit. By Clio.
February 11: 
February 12: 
Ethical Dangers of Isolation in the Profession. By Minnesota State Law Library.
February 13: 
February 14:
February 19: 
February 21:
February 24:
Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.
February 26:

March 2025 Free CLE

March 5: 
March 6:
March 7:
March 11:
March 12:
Evaluating Hospital Procedures for Authorizing Emergency Abortion. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
March 21: 
March 25:
March 26:
March 28:

April 2025 Free CLE

I am puzzled about the lack of listings so far for April - REW.

May 2025 Free CLE

May 1: 
Being an Advocate and Shaking Hands Afterwards.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 22:

June 2025 Free CLE

June 26:
Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.

That's it for now! Share this information freely, send me any updates, and best of luck to you and yours in the year upcoming - REW.

P.S. If you're in Texas, subscribe to Abdul Faraki's Free CLE for Texas Lawyers.
P.P.S. If you're not in Texas, why not create a Free CLE for Your State website? You must know your state better than I do! If you have technical questions about setting something up, let's we'll chat!
