Monday, July 29, 2024

Rudi Foster Goes To Her Forever Home


Foster  Report

Rudi Foster (real name unknown) is a sweet grey tabby, likely female, perhaps 6-12 months old, and weighing about 9 pounds.

Origin: She approached a neighbor asking for food. She had no collar, chip, or “lost” announcement on the West Seattle Blog or Nextdoor. The neighbor cared for She but it became apparent She needed to find a permanent home. She stayed with me in my guest room for a few weeks. She seemed content to explore my house, but did get outside once and was gone for a few days. I found her under a bush and she came without coaxing.

Medical History: Unknown. No chip.

Appetite: Good. She prefers wet food and plenty of it. I have not seen her drink, but the water level in her glass has gone down.

Litterbox: She has always used the litterbox. It was filled with wood pellet litter; I don’t know how she would be with clay.

Play: She has enthusiastically chased the laser dot and a shoelace.


  • She is very friendly with humans. She meows when she sees a human, marches up to get petted, and enjoys sleeping on or next to a human.
  • She has been deeply suspicious of other cats. Whenever my two home cats look at her, she would hiss and eventually go hide. She has not attacked anyone.

She has been a pleasure to foster! I hope she and her new family have much joy together. Contact me anytime if there is any problem.

Randy Winn

July 29, 2024


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