Friday, July 05, 2024

A hell of a lot easier than Omaha Beach

The GOP hugs Trump as their man,
He's got quite the record, like no one else can:
A liar, a felon, a conman and more,
He cheats on his taxes, his wife, and golf score.
He dreamt of dictatorship "just for a while",
When he loses a vote, a coup is his style.

The Dems, on the other hand, fret and they stew,
About ol' Joe Biden and what they should do.
Their leadership fears that their prospects are grim,
In a tizzy, they scramble, in worry, they swim.

But on every street and in every city,
The Trump Supreme Court is not looking pretty:
No rights for women? Bribes are okay?
A President can commit any crime every day?

No patriot will take this, not for a minute,
We don't like politics, but now we are in it.
So turn off your programs of dragons and elves,
No one will save us except for ourselves.

Remember our praise for the Greatest Generation?
Now it's our turn to act to save our great nation.
Take time every day a new voter to reach—
It's a hell of a lot easier than Omaha Beach.

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