Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Once More Into The Data Breach

Today I got Yet Another Letter offering an apology for my data being compromised in a data breach. They offered a free year of Experian data protection - just sign in at the web address provided and enter my unique code.
When I typed in the web address provided, I suspected that I had made a typo because the website offered me a way to raise my credit score instantly by clicking on a link. It wasn't a very convincing website; no Experian logo or anything. I don't think they were really trying very hard - I certainly can be fooled, but I demand a little effort!
When I did get onto the real website and logged in, I saw that - as I remembered - I already had an Experian data protection membership from a different data breach. I was unable to use the current offer to get that extended by a year. The help line was prompt and polite, but apparently, the apology from the latest data loser doesn't add to the apology of a previous data loser.
This is a pity. There have been so many data breaches, I was hoping to have lifetime Experian data protection and after a long, happy, and data compromised life, leave legacy protection in my will.

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