Saturday, October 28, 2023

Gus In The Apple Tree

It was time for me to feed Gus, a neighbor cat, and his brother Brownie - leaving them in their house for the night. As I looked around, I hear a loud squeak to my left, around or in their old apple tree, and a rocket of gray fur zooming right to left and up the tree. For the next 5 or 15 minutes, Gus strode from branch to branch, intently seeking the squirrel - with no chance of actually catching it, for it was long gone.
This  was ok for a while, but I had stuff to do. Calling him did nothing; he knew I was here and it didn't matter. I tried shaking the tree. You cannot shake a cat from a tree - the four legs brace nicely, and hardly need the claws to dig in at all - the bodies are not massive enough to abuse inertia and the reaction time is a wonder.
Eventually I decided to give it up for now, and started to walk away. Gus meowed and came down, clearly stating that he was ready for dinner now.
We know who is in charge.

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