Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Hat At Last!

In life, what compares to the quest for Just The Right Hat?

Medical science had decreed a hat to shield against the sun and its skin-damaging rays, for I am pale as bleached cotton and wary of obituaries. But how can dermatological wisdom overcome my outsized head and small sense of fashion?
  • Bucket hats make me look like lost tourist.
  • Baseball caps seem ineffective at protecting the back of my neck.
  • The cowboy hat would suit me fine if I had ridden a horse since the 1980s. Even then, Red The Horse knew what was on his back and took his time not so much walking as sauntering casually.
  • The flat conical hat chiefly known to me from Asia looked very practical and protective, but on me just didn't look right.
But Saturday, after the exhausting BodyPump class (aerobic weightlifting), I took a different route home from the YMCA. I walked by Mountain to Sound Outfitters and there it was: my hat!

I approached with longing and skepticism, for I had been disappointed before. The Kavu store on Delridge had a fine hat but "Large" was their maximum size; "Strangely Huge" was on the menu nowhere.

But holy cow! this hat fit like a well-worn glove [if a glove fit on my head and protected against the sun.] Hooray for me! And ha-ha on you, solar skin damage!

I must mention that the staff was delightful. Our conversation ranged from Minnie Pearl (whose hat also had a price tag dangling from it) to Minnie Driver ("Good Will Hunting" is such a fine movie) and it was almost a disappointment that my quest had ended so quickly.

It's a life lesson, I suppose, in the value of taking a different route home every now and then.

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