Tuesday, July 07, 2020


On the walk:
My Friends Grow Gift-Wrapped Tomatoes

Sexually Active Succulents
I was a little concerned about this evening's speech at Toastmasters, because it was put together in a hurry (we were short of speakers) and it involved the sort-of-adult situations of my summer program in Salzburg. Everyone liked it, and I got useful feedback which I will apply next time I give it. I have decided that since I'm in multiple clubs, I will habitually give the same speech in multiple clubs to practice learning from evaluations.

During this evening's Toastmasters meeting, more than one person messaged me privately to ask whether it was odd that their timely-filed federal tax return was not done processing. All I really know on the subject is that there must be MASSIVE backups in the system due to COVID but that seemed to reassure people.

Sandy replied to my message thanking her for the invitation to the Sunday Hobbit salon via zoom. We seem to have similar thoughts about the people who need to talk all the time, and the usefulness of side channel chat.

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