Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I voted by mail

Voting by mail seems the most secure to me. Based on my experience as a polling judge/polling inspector, there are just too many chances for minor errors by the polling station staff which is hired just for the day - and maybe half a day of training - to be sloppy with procedures. I don't know anyone who *intended* to be sloppy, but it's got to happen. Vote by mail, on the other hand, uses professional mail carriers to deliver sealed envelopes - so they don't know what's inside - to the central office for processing by professional staff. It's just better.
I voted for Elizabeth Warren, because her Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was a great success.
EDITTED: Warren was not in the race by the time my ballot was counted, which is a lesson I suppose. Still, I don't regret the vote; I regret only not waiting until the last day to cast it. Live and learn!

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