Monday, November 18, 2019

Log 2019-11-18: Insurance Issues

I had to burn some "use it or lose it vacation time, so I took today off to work on insurance issues.

Vision Care

I had tried most of the year to get glasses through the insurance I had been paying for. My carrier Aetna Vision Kaiser refused to provide benefit other than a discount on eye exam, so it seemed pretty useless. I went ahead and got glasses through Costco, since Costco has always treated me right.
Today I decided to follow up. I called and was transferred and was given another number and eventually got a CSR who looked for the provider closest to me (something I hadn't gotten before). I expressed reluctance to go all that way (...although it wasn't really very far...) the CSR said "Due to limited providers, may be eligible for out of network claim" and mailed me the paperwork to apply. This seemed reasonable enough.
I then called Benefeds and canceled vision insurance for next year, because it's still better to go to Costco.

Dental Care

I called Benefeds to find out why I had gotten so little covered this years. When my claims were eventually denied, the dentist sent me to collections. I paid in full ended my relationship with that dentist, you can be sure.
Eventually the CSR said that the dentist's claim for Scaling and Root Planing had not supplied tooth number; the CSR will call office to get that. Imagine this: if either the insurance company or the dentist had identified this problem I might be still using the services of that dentist. This is another healthcare screwup that has nothing to do with the delivery of health, but just the stupid arrangement of the way we pay for healthcare.

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