Monday, October 07, 2019

Care Clinic

About a week ago my left ear started clogging up as it does about every year or two. The first couple of times this happened, I researched and discovered "Onion Earmuffs", a folk remedy that worked. You half an onion, heat it in the microwave, and hold it to your ear. Managing the heat is an issue - I wrapped it in wet clothes - but the heat itself and perhaps the fumes solved the problem.
Then came the time this didn't work. I went to a doctor who blamed it on earwax buildup and flushed. This was an uncomfortable procedure although not really painful; it just feels wrong to put thing in your ear and it was also ticklish.
The ear flush cost about $150. I had not met my insurance deductible it was all chargeable to me and I might as well not had insurance at all.
The next couple of times this happened I tried over-the-counter ear wax remover. This worked ok.
This year, it did not solve the problem. It gave immediate relief but the pressure returned after a while. Pressing or rubbing relieved the problem temporarily and it did not keep me from sleeping but I was concerned that there might be an underlying problem, such as an infection.
I called my insurer, who had a helpful nurse's line. She suggested coming in to a clinic and mentioned Bartell's had some. I called around to find the one in Jefferson Square had a "Care Clinic", but not the one in White Center.
The Care Clinic was just about the same as the doctor's visit before. My left ear had almost no wax (thank to the over the counter treatment, I suppose) and the right had plenty. The clinician mentioned my holes had a curve that made viewing a little difficult but that was well within the normal human variation.
She flushed. The wax came out. She then said it appeared there was no infection, I just had swelling in the Eustachian tubes that would block the passage of air, causing pressure. I could take an over-the-counter to reduce the swelling (either an anti-histamine or something else) or a nasal spray to stop the underlying cause. The charge was about $125 with a $25 co-pay.
So I'm automatically out the $25 and the insurance company is billed the $125. Since I haven't done anything else with my insurance I'll be out that two unless I still have something in my HSA.
I'm not sure that I'm getting any benefit from this so-called health care system except as a backstop in case I have serious problems.

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