Monday, September 02, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

Sunday I drove over to the VA Puget Sound Healthcare System with Cyril to work on cleaning up the Healing Garden. It was that famous manual labor I've heard so much about - and avoided as much as possible. In the end, it was greatly neatened up and I felt good about it.
In case you haven't heard the of this, the Healing Garden is a partnership with the community to convert wasted space into something nice and useful for patients and staff - sort of a "Friends Of The Library" program for a VA hospitals! The community contributed funds, the University contributed expertise … let me know would you like to try this in your region. Here's our video:
That evening I watched a movie from the library: "I, Tonya". I pretty much understood where she was coming from, what with the beatings and the desire to escape by working hard. (I hope I had better judgment though). I also loved the Roshomon-like quality, in presenting the contradictory stories and letting the viewer decide which story was true, if any. I watched all the extras on the disk, including a fascinating short video on the special effects that let them put the actor's face onto a stunt double's amazing skating moves. This technology could be abused.
Monday I saw Kiara briefly as she zoomed in and out on PAX weekend. I did a lot of tinkering with Toastmasters stuff. Mostly, I relaxed and did not try to get too much done.
This evening I met Hannah and Julie for a beer at Beveridge House. They are great for a chat!

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