Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Yet Another Reason To Love Public Libraries

My first public library was the Bookmobile which parked at Midland Gardens store half a mile away. They let me get books I like for free! It was wonderful.
When I lived in Springfield I would check out a framed picture every month to hang in my cubicle at work.
Here in West Seattle I have been checking out DVDs so I can catch last year's top movies or back episodes of "Game of Thrones".
Job hunting at library computers is much more effective at home because the presence of others - dozens of fellow library computer users, all busy doing our thing - helps me stay on task.
 I have been a fan of public libraries for about 55 years (so far) but today I discovered a new reason.
The sign on the right was found by an internet friend posted inside the bathroom door.
Can you imagine how useful this would be to people?

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