Sunday, July 15, 2018

What Is It?

What is it?
When we planted the herb garden 5 or more years ago, I was told it's an herb but I have no idea.
Flowers are yellow, foliage a dusty bluegreen.
When I post this on Facebook, my friends made suggestions from Tansy to Yarrow but no one was quite sure.
My weekend was prosaic enough. Friday I cleaned, Saturday I went to the gym, then helped someone through the Time Bank, then slept through the heat at home. Sunday I drove about thinking how nice it would be to have my bicycle in condition - I could do my shopping with it, although I'd have to plan carefully and take several trips, it would still be pleasant. I dropped donations off at Mary's Place, returned the most recent season of Game Of Thrones to the library, dropped off about 4 boxes of books at the VA hospital (ok, the bike would be no help there!), then did my grocery shopping and a little cooking for the week.
Slide in a little gardening, writing, preparing for Toastmasters and playing with the cats, and that's the day!

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