Wednesday, July 11, 2018

True Story: Love and Fleas

TRUE STORY: The first home I ever owned was a house trailer behind a package store in East Lansing. I did not have money for furniture but that was okay because my girlfriend ( Sheryl Cole ) and I were accustomed to sleeping on carpeted floors. When you're born poor you learn to get by on love.
Unfortunately the previous owner, who gave us a really good deal, had cats with fleas. Some of them must have hid in the carpet because in the middle of the night they all jumped on her (and ignored me - I suppose I did not smell as sweet). I still recall her saying "Randy, these fleas are eating me alive!"
My intention was to say something helpful and supportive, such as "Surely we must obtain the means to kill all those fleas!"
The words that came out of my mouth were, "You need a flea collar."
It must have been true love, because I didn't wake up dead ;-)

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