Monday, March 19, 2018

LCD Projector Thoughts?

I posted on FB: "Any recommendations on LCD projectors? I give presentations (not at work) and it would be handy to know in advance everything works because I tested it at home. Plus: it would be amusing to watch movies on my wall and see the cats go nuts (...something with a lot of birds perhaps...). Any thoughts?"
And got responses:
  • I looked into this several years ago, at that time a large screen TV was cheaper. So we bought two (for club use) 
  • They have come a long way, and dropped in price significantly. I do not own one, they use one where I work it lights up a white wall fairly well, and we do not dim the lights, or close off a rather large window either. I will check to see what make it is, even though it is older, I can attest to its longevity. In the meantime perhaps this will help...

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